Creek OBH 15 mk. II

  • Model: OBH 15
  • Shipping Weight: 8lbs
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With modern amplifiers expected to cater for so many new source devices, the Phono capability, once very common, is one of those built-in features that has disappeared in recent times. The engineering team at Creek Audio has always loved the benefits of vinyl records and continues to work on technical and sonic improvements to its range of Phono amp options, be it the stand-alone OBH or Wyndsor or plug-in Sequel types. Tasked with designing a replacement for the long running OBH-15, the team came up with some valuable improvements and additional features; surprisingly they made them all fit into the original OBH-sized casework.

The OBH-15mk2 Phono Pre-amp will work very well in the following system. Please note the speakers quoted may need to be different depending on the size of room your system is to be used in.

Amplifier: Evolution 50A

Cartridge: MC = Goldring Elite
Cartridge: MC = Goldring Legacy

Cartridge: MM = Goldring 2500
Cartridge: MM = Goldring Elan

Speakers: Epos Epic 2Epos Epic 5Epos Elan 15

The OBH-15 mk2 has a completely new circuit design, with a discrete transistor MC and integrated circuit MM stage. Unlike its predecessor, the new amp has multiple gain settings and matching capabilities for capacitance and resistance. The signal required by most modern amplifiers is described as being ‘LINE' level which is, in technical terms, between 200 and 500 milli-Volts sensitivity with a flat frequency response. Unless your amplifier has a specific ‘Phono' or Disc input, the level will be too low to play vinyl and the frequency response will be wrong.

Technical Specification detailed technical information
THD+noise at 2Vrms output: MM (40dB gain) @ 1kHz = 0.002%MM (40dB gain) @ 10kHz = 0.003%MM (50dB gain) @ 1kHz = 0.007%MM (50dB gain) @ 10kHz = 0.007%MC (60dB gain) @ 1kHz = 0.005%MC (60dB gain) @ 10kHz = 0.005%MC (70dB gain) @ 1kHz = 0.011%MC (70dB gain) @ 10kHz = 0.012%
Channel Separation MM (all gains) 1kHz = >70dBMC (all gains) 1kHz = >70dB
Frequency Response 0.5Hz – 100kHz (+/-0.5dB)
SNR MM (40/50dB gain) = 76/66dB
MC (60/70dB gain) = 77/70dB
Overload Margin MM (all gains)
21.7dB@50Hz – 21.7dB@1kHz – 21.7dB@20kHz
MC (all gains)
20.7dB@50Hz – 20.7dB@1kHz – 20.7dB@20kHz
Output level 6.1V rms Maximum
Output Impedance 100 Ohms
Gain MM = 40dB/50dBMC = 60dB/70dB/80dB
Matching MM = 100pF or 200pF plus 47k OhmsMc = 100pF or 1100pF plus 100 Ohms or 510 Ohms
Size 100 x 63 x 150mm WxHxD
Weight 1.0 kgs inc OBH-Uni power adapter
Power consumption 3 Watts
Mains voltages 100V to 250V AC 50/60Hz
Mains Connection A clip-on plug is supplied for UK,North America, Europe and Australasia
Finish Colours Black or Silver Front Panel