E.A.R. 88PB

  • Model: 88PB
  • Shipping Weight: 25lbs
  • Manufactured by: E.A.R.
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EAR 88PB Phono Amplifier

EAR 88PB Phono Amplifier

The EAR 834P was one of the very first standalone phono stages and has become one of our best-selling products. Now the continuing popularity of vinyl has encouraged us to develop an upmarket phono preamp, the 88PB.

Drawing on designer Tim de Paravicini�s vast knowledge of audio electronics, and employing several of the innovations he incorporated in the class-leading The Paravicini 312 Control Centre, a fully-featured preamp and 324 phono stage (both solid state), the 88PB is a definitive statement in valve electronics.

Its specification is a perfect match of essential flexibility with cost-conscious simplicity. Two inputs cater for the growing number of vinyl-lovers with more than one turntable or arm. Both inputs accept moving magnet cartridge inputs, while one is also switchable for moving coil types - naturally using de Paravicini�s famed input transformers for lowest noise and highest fidelity. MC input impedance is adjustable internally.

The inclusion of a volume control allows for direct connection to a power amp in one-source systems. To avoid cable-dependent high frequency response, a highly linear buffer stage follows the volume control, using an output transformer which provides balanced or single-ended output at a low impedance which can effortlessly drive long cables.

Other exclusive design details include a unique high stability circuit for achieving the RIAA equalisation curve demanded by discs, and of course the superb all-round sound quality of all EAR amps is guaranteed.

The 88PB: you never realised your vinyl sounded this good.